Cementing Mindset Through Visualisation
Posted on November 20th, 2019
Have you ever wondered how some people create certainty within themselves around their goals to create powerful results? Visualisation is one technique.
We all have images in our mind. Pictures in our head. Whether actively through daydreams, dreaming, or simply imagination. We visualise everything. We visualise our home so as to know which house to pull into when we drive home. We visualise people and events when we are talking about them or telling stories. We visual projects and outcomes when we start a task. We all do it every day.
So the question is, how do we use this process, which we all already do, with a purpose to get results?
Whatever we focus on is what our mind utilises to find confirmatory evidence to, and what it confirms becomes our reality. If we are focusing on what we don’t want, then our mind will filter information in the world around us to show us that evidence. Obviously the more evidence we perceive, the more we buy into that line of thinking. This constitutes pre-programming of our mind. We are all programming our mind every day as to what to pay attention to and what to disregard. So let’s pre-program to focus on achieving results, our goals, our success.
Fundamentally visualising is about being specific about what we want to achieve. What are the results? The more detail we identify for ourselves, the clearer the image will be in our mind’s eye. However, to gain the most value of visualising, it is important to create an image of success, of our desired outcome. The most useful image is of the completion of the last step, the moment in which you know you have it. Once we have that image, we need to pre-program our mind to find evidence to support our goals. To do this, we need to create that image as compelling as possible to ourselves. Compelling is attractive to us.

To do this, increase the colour in that image, turn up the brightness to make that image desirable. Think of how older televisions allowed to adjust the settings to alter the picture. If you can’t remember those features, think of it as changing the filter on the picture (like we do on phones) to the ‘vivid’ setting, where the colours pop!
Now the image is compelling, physically add the feeling into your body of what it will feel like to have that result or outcome. Create that physical feeling in your body. Really feel the feelings.
Then, most importantly, see yourself in that image. It is important with pre-programming that you see yourself with the result, feeling that way. Your mind needs to know it is you. Otherwise, it is pre-programming your mind to notice others achieving that result, and feeling that, and not necessarily you.

Finally, you want to capture that moment in your mind. I utilise the notion of putting a frame around that moment within my mind’s eye. It is then like watching it on a screen. Seeing yourself at that moment of achievement or results, feeling that way.
This technique will then pre-program your mind to look for evidence and opportunity to create that image as in your mind’s eye that is now reality. As with any technique, it takes repetition to cement the new thought. The more you practice the more you are training your mind to register information which supports your goals, your desires. Ultimately, we are still in the now. So action is required to create the outcome, however, the more we focus on the desired outcome/goal, the more motivated and less resistance we experience in our journey. This, in turn, creates our internal certainty of our results.
Learn the power of visualisation and pre-programming as one of the many skills and techniques you will learn at the upcoming NLP Practitioner Training. Check out our dates for upcoming trainings near you. Click here to learn more about training courses near you.